When saying I AM ENOUGH just isn’t enough
They say a picture paints a thousand words, well here’s the truth behind this picture.
I Am Enough is a belief I have worked on using my life transforming QTT tools over the past few years as I was plagued by the belief that I wasn’t enough for decades.
· not good enough
· not smart enough
· not successful enough
· not stylish enough
· didn’t know
· not qualified enough
I’ll spare you the extended list, but you get the gist there were lots of feelings of not good enough. No doubt, you can probably relate to one or more of these or have your own not enough story.
In most parts I had made huge progress and changed so many of my beliefs and I do feel worthy and good enough.
If you have followed me for any length of time, you’ll know I have conquered my limiting belief around my weight and measuring myself worth on the scales. I was no longer prepared to do that. I call enough is enough. It is very liberating!
I thought I’d dealt with and uncovered all the stories and limiting beliefs over the course of the past few years and dealt with them not just swept them under the carpet as I had previously done, nothing to see here, if I didn’t address them, they would go away, right?
Spoiler Alert: It doesn’t work that way. The first step to change is self-awareness.
So, life was rosy, and I had this I AM ENOUGH business wrapped with a great pink bow, you would think right? But this day two weeks ago I rushed out to buy the Echo newspaper, as an article I wrote regarding body confidence was being featured.
I couldn’t wait, the excitement of seeing the story come together and I was so happy to shine a light on the five incredible women I interviewed for the feature.
When I opened the paper, it had received the coveted front page and it was the lead story with double page spread. But something just didn’t feel right. Yes, I was proud of it and of the ladies involved, so proud of them but there was an underlying flatness as I stared at my picture with my sign, I AM ENOUGH.
As the women who work with me know, you must identify and deal with the uncomfortable feelings, learn and take the positives then let them go as they are no longer serving you.
If you don’t deal with something it will keep showing up until you do, so I vowed to deal with it. As excruciating as it was, if I didn’t deal with it, it would keep showing up and keep me feeling stuck and playing small.
As I journaled and journaled and journaled over the past 2 weeks and got to the bottom of it, I realized that I still had limiting beliefs around my business and not feeling good enough. They were not even true, and I knew that consciously, but my subconscious believed them, and it runs the show. In its defense it was trying to keep me safe but unchecked it was believing something that wasn’t true and presenting evidence to back it up, but it was also keeping me playing small and not fulfilling my dreams and desires.
I cannot achieve my mission of empowering women to truly see their worth and believe they are good enough if I play small. I have too many people to help fulfill the life they are meant to be living by not hiding and holding themselves back.
I am so grateful for the tools and techniques that I have been able to implement over the past few years and especially over the past few weeks as I have found FREEDOM.
The thing about beliefs is they are sneaky and insidious as I started to share this story and a voice popped up saying ‘Well, who will work with you if you don’t have all your sh*t together’. I just replied “not today, go do one” because I truly believe it is because of this, I can help even more women find freedom from not feeling worthy, deserving and not enough.
I now have my I AM ENOUG sign from the article above my desk so I can see it regularly. The difference this time is I genuinely believe I AM ENOUGH. I don’t just see it. I feel it. I believe it.
I have a whole new energy about what I am here to do and my mission, coming from a place of worthiness. I want to share my life transforming tools and techniques with you, to help you become The Worthy Women you are meant to be.
Join me Tuesday 22nd November for The Worthy Women Workshop. Click here for more details and to secure your spot https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/451683687067.
You don’t have to feel the way you feel and live your life half lived, there is another way.
It’s your time and you’re ready to shine.